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Recordings, scores and releases can be found on 


L'Indifferenza dell'Amore Cosmico (The Indifference of Cosmic Love)

for flauto d'amore, clarinet, electronics and cosmic rays (2021)  

Ginevra Petrucci, flauto d'amore; Gleb Kanasevich, clarinet; Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, electronics   

"An evening exploration of music complexity" presented by the Santa Fe Institute and SITE Santa Fe. Performance at SITE Santa Fe on May 16, 2022 - world premiere


Version for mixed ensemble with audience chorus (voices, flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, accordion and Tibetan bowl), 2022  

Ginevra Petrucci, flute; Gleb Kanasevich, clarinet; David Felberg, violin; Laura Steiner, viola; James Holland, cello; Elaine diFalco, voice, accordion; Gina Rae La Cerva, speaking voice; with the participation of the audience.  

 "An evening exploration of music complexity" presented by the Santa Fe Institute and SITE Santa Fe. Performance at SITE Santa Fe on May 16, 2022 - world premiere

Helefini otea agoninisconi

for string instrument(s), and voice on fixed media

The title of the piece should be decided by the performers by choosing letters from the matrix in the title page.

The score can be downloaded here 


for an unspecified number of performers (arbitrary duration)

Tout ce qu'on perd


for speaking voice, flauto d’amore and flugelhorn after a poem by Hyam Yared (4’30”)

text and voice, Hyam Yared

flauto d’amore, Ginevra Petrucci

flugelhorn, Nathan Hudson

For the Creativity Quarantine of the Flauto d’Amore Project (world premier on BandCamp, April 17, 2020)

untitled (Four. Feel. Title. Words.)


a triptych


for flauti d’amore (or flutes or alto flutes and/or bass recorders) and electronics

(dedicated to Ginevra Petrucci)

1. Dew. Rust. Light. Flow

2. Mist. Iron. Cold. Pulse.

3. Rain. Steel. Hollow. Veil.


miniature opera project #2: The Messengers, a CosmOpera

CosmOpera for voices, fixed media (multichannel audio), and cosmic rays (variable duration)

Morgan Horning, soprano, Tom Mebarki, contratenor, Mia Detwiler, violin, Florian Antunes, cello, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, flutes

The Messengers… are cosmic rays. They come to us from the cloud of possible futures. They pass through its messaging system and bring to us voicemails of the future.

La forme de l'ocean


for SATB choir and multichannel audio, text by Jiang Hao after his poem 海的形状

(dedicated to Yeomyoung Lim and Ensemble Creation)



Le reseaux de ton souvenir


suite for alto recorder (dedicated to Antonio Carrilho)




for viola, contrabass and soprano voice (2019)

Thin cloud. Light rain.
Unfold your thoughts.
Against the light.
Sit. Look.

Kathleen Crabtree, viola, Justin Kujawski, contrabass, Morgan Horning, soprano

miniature opera project #1: UNKNOWN, a journey

for pre-recorded soprano, spoken voice and instrumental samples

soprano: Adria Le Boeuf; spoken voice: Heather Spence 

libretto: Ken Eklund, Heather Spence, Adria Le Boeuf, Peter Walter, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli ("The Band of Six")

Un giro d'anello


six experiments for electric string quartet and fixed media

  1. Even snails can accelerate

  2. 非常饿了 (feichang e le), "very hungry" or the emergence of the machine

  3. Scandalous interference sizzle slowly inside or the dialogue of Knowledge and the Unknown

  4. Area reservada para especies salvajes

  5. Lucifer's inner light illuminates them

  6. Aktion von licht oder intensiver strahlung im all

Mylar soundscape

Soundscape for the "Installation in the Old Barn" by Javiera Tejerina-Risso at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program in July 2017. (Photo by Javiera Tejerina-Risso)

on the resonance of the fog


for flute and percussions (three performers)

A fantasy on the fog in the Santa Cruz mountains.
Completed and premiered at the Djerassi Resident Artist Program on July 2, 2017.
Photo by Javiera Tejerina-Risso.


(2010, revised 2017)

for flute, violin (or oboe) and cello

Premiered at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program on July 16, 2017



fixed media

EleKtrIoN I (music of diamond) is a composition based on the sonification, remix and artistic reinterpretation of diamond property data obtained by very sophisticated scientific computer simulations translated into music using a computer-aided data-driven composition environment developed by the composer in the materialssoundmusic project.

Inventions for data stream #1: Contappunto

(2015) [5']
for two prepared pianos 

Premiered at the University of North Texas MusicNow on April 27, 2015

Inventions for data stream #2: Ricercare

(2015) [4'15"]

for flute, player piano, electronics and live data stream


Ricercare has been premiered at the 41st International Computer Music Conference, 2015.

Inventions for data streams #3: qua diversa moventur

(2015) [5'40"]

alchemical variations for violin, clarinet and piano


Inventions for data streams #4: Amargosa Triptych

windows of sand

windows of darkness

windows of air

for Piano


I have come to lose myself in the wide immensity and know my littleness.

I have come to lie in the lap of my mother and be comforted.

I am alone but not alone – I am with myself.

My soul is my companion above all companions.

Charles Erskine Scott Wood, The Poet in the Desert (1915).

Inventions for data streams #5: JXOverdrive

for Bassoon quartet and digital effects

Music for 88 keys

(2015) [10’]

to Conlon Nancarrow (in memoriam)

for player piano and electronics

Premiered at the University of North Texas MusicNow on April 27, 2015


Morning Moon (2012)

Big Round Records is proud to present MORNING MOON, the debut commercial release from the eclectic and varied Ecco La Musica. The group's seamless blending of jazz, world, chamber, and experimental music-all of which is composed by the group members themselves-highlights their ability to remain ahead of the curve of their competition, both independent and mainstream. As most artists struggle to blur the lines of genre, Ecco La Musica has them nearly erased (from Big round RECORDS website).

Gradus ad linos (2010)

preparatory exercises to "Chant de Linos", for flute
NEWS: Gradus ad Linos is published by Edizioni Musicali "Riverberi Sonori"

Tzolk'in (2010)

for three marimbas
NEWS: Tzolk'in has received Honorable Mention in the Second Annual Louisiana State University Percussion Society's Percussion Ensemble Composition Contest! 
NEWS: Tzolk'in is the winner of the 2010 Volta Trio Composition Competition! 
NEWS: Tzolk'in has been premiered by the Volta Trio at the Eastman School of Music on November 30, 2010.

Visit the Tolk'in web page here for a video of the performance and more on the piece!

Numeric counterpoints (2009)

for strings
Visit the Numeric Counterpoints web page here


Elementi in una variazione (2007)

for flute/piccolo, piano, and percussion (two performers)


Bamboo's ghost

In Bengal, young children are told that the whispers and crackles they hear near bamboo bushes are the voices of the ghosts that live there. With this story in mind, I have created a piece where I have elaborated the natural sounds made by bamboo trees when they are moved by the wind. These natural sounds are then mixed with other ambient sounds (street, traffic, conversations) and processed so that the resulting composition is characterized by a remote and abstract atmosphere. The original sounds have been recorded in Jakkur, India, in the summer of 2006.

Anninnia anninnia (2007)

for female voice and piano


rain over tallin (dedication to Arvo Pärt) (2007)

for amplified piccolo (violin), two amplified flutes, percussion and electronic music on digital medium.

NEWS: RAIN OVER TALLIN has been premiered on Dec. 5, 2007 by the "New York System" ensemble at Rhode Island College, RI (E. Codd, vl; K. Waters, C. Craig, fl; M. Buongiorno Nardelli, electronics; A. Shockley, conductor)


Finzione di interludio

for chamber orchestra 
NEWS: Finzione di Interludio has been premiered on Feb. 25, 2007 at NC State University in Raleigh by the Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra conducted by Randolph Foy.


Two drones

Two drones written for the iTunes podcast “StaticMusic | Drones” of the New York Miniaturist Ensemble:

1. Kaleida

2. Threnos

© 2024 Marco Buongiorno Nardelli.

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